质量保证 quality assurance
室间质量评价 external quality assessment
室内质量控制 internal quality control
批间 between-batch
批内 within-batch
尿液分析仪 urine analyzer*
尿沉渣分析仪 urine sediment analyzer*
计算机辅助精子分析 computer aided semen analysis
试带 reagent/test strip
理学检验 gross examination*
化学检验 chemical examination*
显微镜检查 microscopic examination*
urinalysis 尿分析
renal 肾的
failure 衰竭
hyperaldosteronism 醛固酮过多症
glomerular 肾小球的
permeability 渗透性
diminution 减少
tubule 小管,细管
cast 管型
waxy 蜡状的,蜡的
pus 脓
tuberculosis 结核病
genitourinary 生殖泌尿的
cleanse 使清洁
vulva 外阴,女阴
labium 阴唇
vaginal 阴道的
hematuria 血尿
glomerulonephritis 肾小球性肾炎
trauma 创伤,外伤
calculus 结石,石
stricture 狭窄
tumor 肿瘤
hemolysis 溶血
paroxysmal 阵发的
nocturnal 夜间的
sickle 镰刀
crisis 危象
idiosyncrasy 特异反应性
pyelonephritis 肾盂肾炎
cystitis 膀胱炎
3. Urinalysis in Testing Renal Function
Record intake and output of fluids. The normal day output (8:00 a. m. to 8:00 p. m ) is 2~3 times the normal night output.This ratio is changed in renal disease, in some cases of heart failure, and in hyperaldosteronism .
· Proteinuria
The presence of protein in the urine indicates increased glomerular permeability and some degree of diminution of tubular reabsorption of protein. It appears in many types of renal disease. Slight proteinuria is seen in congestive heart failure, infectious diseases, and after a heavy meal,and in some cases is associated with prolonged standing (orthostatic(直立的) proteinuria) or with vigorous exercise.
· Casts:
Casts result from precipitation of protein in the tubules. Waxy and fatty casts are suggestive of nephrosis.
·Pus cells:
These are seen in large numbers in any genitourinary infections. (Women should cleanse the vulva, spread the labia, and collect a “clean” specimen free of vaginal leukocyte.)
· Hematuria:
Gross or microscopic hematuria may result from glomerulonephritis, infection, trauma (including calculi), strictures, drug poisoning, or tumors of the kidneys, bladder, or urethra .
Bacteria in the urine may be specific for infection, as in renal tuberculosis, pyelonephritis , cystitis.
4. Collection of Urine for Screening Purpose
Collection and preservation of urine for analytical testing must follow a carefully prescribed procedure to insure valid results. Laboratory testing of urine generally falls under three categories, i. e. chemical, bacteriologic, and microscopic examination. There are three kinds of collection for urine specimens: (1) random; (2) timed , and (3) 24-hour total volume.
Random specimens are collected at any time. Test results for a random collection are expressed per unit volume if the result is a quantitative analysis. Much reporting of testing on a random collection is expressed as “positive” or “negative”, indicating the presence or absence of a particular constituent, such as glucose. A randomly collected urine specimen is often more convenient for the patient and will be suitable for most screening purpose.
First morning specimens also tend to be more uniform, are more likely to reveal impairment of kidney concentrating ability, and to contain pus and mucus in the presence of infection. They are, however, less likely to contain sugar and protein. Most specimens obtained in the practitioner’s office are collected from ambulatory patients who have eaten 2 to 3 hours previously. These specimens are more likely to contain protein or reducing substances.
First morning specimens also tend to be more uniform, are more likely to reveal impairment of kidney concentrating ability, and to contain pus and mucus in the presence of infection. They are, however, less likely to contain sugar and protein. Most specimens obtained in the practitioner’s office are collected from ambulatory patients who have eaten 2 to 3 hours previously. These specimens are more likely to contain protein or reducing substances.
Do not skip lightly over the rather tedious details of proper urine collection and preservation. Neglect of this aspect of the examination frequently renders all subsequent information uninterpretable or useless.
5. 与人体系统、器官有关的前(后)缀
名称 通用名 前(后)缀 示例
胆 gallbladder chole- cholecystectomy 胆囊切除术
肠 intestine entero- enteritis 肠炎
脾 spleen spleno- splenectomy 脾切除术
肾 kidney nephro- nephritis 肾炎
膀胱/囊 bladder cysto- cystoscopy 膀胱镜
肾上腺 adrenal adreno- adrenocortical 肾上腺皮质的
支气管 bronchus bronch-/ bronchia 支气管
尿 urine uro-/ur-* urosurgery 泌尿外科
体 body somato-/-some somatopsychic 身心的
心 heart cardio-* cardiology 心脏学
脑 brain encepholo- encephalitis 脑炎
肺 lung pulmo- pulmonitis 肺炎
肝 liver hepato-* hepatitis 肝炎
胃 stomach gastro-* gastrointestinal 胃十二指肠的